letting go
bones saying adieu to conformity
heart saying adieu to certainty
mind saying adieu to linearity
being receptive to life's calling
following nature's flowing
i am transitioning

may 27, 2023

living in the hills of Dharamshala
receiving teachings on the Uttaratantra Shastra
applying legal solutions for inheritance

july 15, 2022

living in the forests of Sirsi
painting & typing postcards to loved ones
self-learning yoga, guitar and painting
practicing bullet journalling
coding this website in Php
searching for a life partner
waiting to receive inheritance

mar 3, 2022

released parents ashes

oct 15, 2021

coding this website in HTML
practicing water color painting
creating children's books
reading larry brilliant
playing guitar
needing to sweat
preparing for a travelling life
applying for trauma healing training
exploring doctoral studies
waiting to bury parent's ashes